Poverty Philosophy


I have the extremely good fortune to be in Israel for the upcoming Succos holiday. I haven't been here in a long time, and I had forgotten what an experience just walking the streets can be.

Before getting back to my pre-Yom Tov shopping, I wanted to share one thought. My normally cynical nature kicks into overdrive when I see people living lives I don't understand. Or perhaps the issue is that I do think I understand, I think I've thought it through and rejected it. I see people living lives of poverty, seemingly happy to live without what I would think are some basic social and financial necessities.

But as my brother in law Shmuly helped me realize, there is much more to this picture. Is it possible that I'm missing something? Is it possible that, as I sit here typing this on my tablet computer, I am missing something rather basic?

More than possible. Probable.

There is value to simplicity. There is value in choosing to have less. There is wealth in poverty.

And if the decision to be content living simply stems from a true dedication to living a spiritual life, we have all the more to learn from that way of life.


An Order of Protection


Jewel of Kings